Your month by month guide to Autumn & Winter

We'll take your mind to another dimension! Let's get serious with 3d and VR :)

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We’ve been creating since February – Check the previous post for details of our themes for February through June.

The content listed below is indicative only – There will be plenty more added along the way!

September: Getting started with 3d

Whether you want to design a game, a new supercar or a new home, you’ll be using software that requires navigating a virtual 3d space. This can be a difficult jump to make, but the good news is that most 3d software offer similar navigation and tools.

Our explainer workflows for this month will include:

  • Navigate virtual 3d space in Tinkercad and Maya
  • Create simple 3d shapes and scenes using Tinkercad and Maya
  • Create simple 3d models using Assetforge
  • Import 3d models into Maya and render them using V-Ray

This month’s workflows are best suited to INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED users. Getting used to working in 3d can take time – You should not expect to ‘get it’ straight away. MAYA is paid, industry-standard, professional software with a complex learning curve.

October: Game On with Unity! 

This month we’ll build on our new-found 3d skills and start building interactive environments in Unity. Unity is a realtime 3d engine, meaning it can be used for creating 2d games, 3d games, VR experiences, architectural visualisations and video renders. We’ll work with a cross section of these applications to get you rolling…

  • Create a Unity project and get used to the interface
  • Import free 3d assets from the asset store and navigate through a 3d scene
  • Record video sequences within Unity and export them as mp4 files (using paid assets)
  • Create a VR pipeline and export a scene to interact with in a VR headset (Quest 2)

This month’s workflows are best suited to INTERMEDIATE users. Unity is easy to get to grips with while setting up a VR pipeline is more complex. The plug-ins required to enable VR are paid solutions.

We’ll confirm our content for November nearer the time 🙂

In our next post we present the HOTlist – The best places for free and great-value creative resources and assets.