Summer of Digital Love: Pixel Addict Magazine and the BBC microcomputer

Summer of digital love: Pixel Addict Magazine and the BBC microcomputer.

This post is part of our Summer of Digital Love series, where we look at our favourite digital hardware, magazines, websites and assets.

A new print magazine brimming with digital joy 🙂

We’re never going to return to the days when newsagents billowed with computing-related magazines, complete with their shiny cover discs and curious plastic freebies, but it remains a pleasure to receive a ‘glossy mag’ in the post!

Pixel Addict magazine is currently on issue five, with the first issue having been released at the start of the year. We chanced across issue two in a local newsagent and were eager to go back to where it began (a full three months earlier!) and snag ourselves a copy of their inaugural edition:

Who’s better – Jobs or Gates?

Amidst a feast of detailed and appropriately geeky content, we were drawn to an article on the ‘BBC Micro’ (which was unique to the UK unless you had continent-hopping, uber-geek parents!) as it references another retro artefact from our personal archive – The ‘BBC microcomputer system user guide’:

The article inspired us to take another peek inside our copy. Let’s start by witnessing the complexity of setting up a BBC model B ‘rig’:

BBC model B connected to a TV

Enjoy the introductory paragraphs from the guide at your leisure, while considering the generational relevance of PRINT “HELLO”. If you’re looking for something more creative, try the sine wave type-in listing! (Tap an image to open in lightbox):

Want to see more from Pixel Addict Issue 1? Here’s a video review!

…and here’s more about the BBC computer:

You can support Pixel Addict magazine by purchasing your copy now!

This post is part of our Summer of Digital Love series. Watch out for more as we raid our archives and celebrate the best in digital creativity!