This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series, where we bring you our favourite FUN AI-powered sites and resources! Every site is FREE to use with no account needed!

Select a character, an activity and a location and watch as the AI machine creates a unique image!
This is perhaps the easiest way to create AI images yet! If you have a youngster in need of a little indoor summer entertainment you can do worse than get them to try the Playarti image generation machine! As you can see below, it’s a simple 3 step process!

1: Click the flashing ‘face’ button and choose a character. We’ll go with the alien!

2: Click the flashing ‘activity’ button and select an activity for your character. We want our alien to be riding a rollercoaster!

3: Click the flashing ‘location’ button and select a location for your character. We’d like our alien in a rocket!

Click CREATE! The machine will whirr away then spit out your AI image! Our alien rollercoaster is definitely abstract!

To give the machine a chance at creating something a little more ‘obvious’, we asked for a CHICKEN on the BEACH, PAINTING:

This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series. Watch for more throughout July and August!

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