Summer of AI Fun – Quick on the draw!

Summer of AI Fun: Quick Draw McGraw!

This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series, where we bring you our favourite FUN AI-powered sites and resources! Every site is FREE to use with no account needed!


AutoDraw is a creative website that uses artificial intelligence to help you create simple scenes easily! With AutoDraw, you can sketch anything you want, and AI technology will suggest a more polished version in real-time.  Embrace your creativity and let AI assist you in bringing your ideas to life!

Here’s our step by step guide to creating a summer beach scene with an added robot 🙂

1:Start with a sky-blue background.  Select the autodraw icon (highlighted in black below) and hand-draw a wavy line across the canvas.  Notice that the ‘Do you mean’: panel across the top of the window populates with suggestions of what the AI thinks you’re trying to draw!  

2: Click on a prefered match from the ‘Do you mean’ panel to replace your hand drawn lines with it:

3: Next, draw a simple boat outline until you like the look of the AI suggestions:

4: You can move, resize and rotate any object as needed to recompose and improve your image:

5: Next, draw a sun shape in a corner and again select a favourite match:

6: This sun is looking good!

7: Just for fun, I’ve drawn a (rubbish) robot to see what the AI comes back with!

After some reorganisation and the addition of a palm tree, here’s the finished beach scene ready to print and keep forever!

This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series. Watch for more throughout July and August!