This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series, where we bring you our favourite FUN AI-powered sites and resources! Every site is FREE to use with no account needed!

If you’ve ever wondered why some colours seem to ‘work better together’ when you’re designing web pages, newsletters or flyers, you might appreciate a colour theory quickstart! While you’re busy learning, you can use AI to suggest a colour scheme that just works!
All you need to do is enter a sentence describing the product or theme you need a colour palette for, then click ‘Generate’!
We started by prompting loopple for a colour palette for ‘A modern website featuring fun AI applications throughout the summer’ and it returned this bright and ‘fruity’ palette:

Second, we asked for a palette for ‘A flyer for a major retro gaming arcade festival’. Top marks for the suggested palette in this case – It definitely picked the garish colours of yesteryear!

Finally, we prompted Loopple for ‘A website selling fruit and vegetables’. Tomatoes and apples anyone?

To copy a colour from the Loopple-suggested palette to your clipboard, hover over it in the ‘result’ swatch and click to copy the HEX code to your clipboard. For example, the orange colour below is #ff7f0e:

This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series. Watch for more throughout July and August!

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