Summer of AI Fun :) Talk with everyone, ever, all at once!

Summer of AI Fun: But DID they kill Kenny?

This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series, where we bring you our favourite FUN AI-powered sites and resources! Every site is FREE to use with no account needed!

Chatting directly with chatgpt can be fun for a while, but why not interact with your favourite cartoon character or person from history? And while you’re at it, why not ask a virtual coder to create a game for you?

Note:  You can use this site for a short time before you’ll be prompted to create a free account, so choose your initial characters carefully and make the most of the account-free introduction!

The homepage teases a wide range of categories and characters you can interact with!

We selected the COMEDY category and started a chat with Kenny of South Park fame, in order to resolve an important matter of life and death…

Next, it’s our opportunity to see if Peter Griffin (of Family Guy fame) will play along with the famous ‘Cool Whip’ scenario.  It turns out he will!

Next, we challenged a ‘Designer from 2389’ to create a new gadget for us and include a mock-up image:

And finally, it’s time for something more useful.  We asked a ‘coder’ to create a simple game in C#:

A quick look suggests this code will not run in its current form, but here’s the result in full:

The generated code in full

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConnectFour
class Program
static void Play()
Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to Connect Four! How many players are there?”);

        int players = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        int[,] gameBoard = new int[7, 7];

        for (int i = 0; i < gameBoard.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < gameBoard.Length; j++)
                gameBoard[i, j] = -1;

        if (players == 2)
            PlayTwoPlayerGame(gameBoard, players);
        else if (players == 4)
            PlayFourPlayerGame(gameBoard, players);

    static void PlayTwoPlayerGame(int[,] gameBoard, int players)
        int roundCounter = 0;
        while (true)
            for (int i = 0; i < gameBoard.Length; i++)
                Console.Write("Player 1: ");
                if (i % 7 == 0)
                gameBoard[i, i] = 0;

                Console.Write("Player 2: ");
                if (i % 7 == 0)
                gameBoard[i, i] = 1;

                if (gameBoard[i, i] == -1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid position! Try again");


            for (int i = 0; i < gameBoard.Length; i++)
                Console.Write("Player 1: ");
                if (i % 7 == 0)

Next steps

Why not create your own character on the site for others to interact with? Start by selecting the CREATE icon on the left.  (Note: This functionality requires creating and using a FREE account).

This post is part of our Summer of AI Fun series. Watch for more throughout July and August!