We round-up the latest and greatest creative asset deals and freebies at the start of every month! Here are our top picks for April 2024…
Create a free Videohive account then grab this month’s music, image and video freebies while they’re hot! This month we’ll be downloading the ‘AH WordPress survey builder’ asset…
Humble Bundle
April sees an encore for Humble’s recent ‘Moho Pro’ animation bundle. Moho is a popular 2D animation suite which incorporates various sophisticated tools to get your animations off to the best start possible! The version offered by Humble is v12.5, while the current version is v14. If you’re looking to get ahead with 2d animation it’s definitely worth a closer look 🙂
Game Dev Market (GDM)
Support your local indie development teams by purchasing one of GDM’s currently discounted asset bundles! Continuing the 2d theme from Humble Bundle above, we found this ‘WOWU 2d creator bundle’ featuring a variety of 2d assets for under £30 / $30:
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