We regularly celebrate outstanding examples of pioneering digital creativity, regardless of their place in time and space. Join us now as we raid our file archives and crash-land in March 2012, just as the British video games awards winners are being announced…
Here are our personal favourite award winners.
Want the full rundown, courtesy of the original press release?
Artistic achievement winner: Rayman Origins
Michel Ancel, Celine Tellier, Christophe Villez
UBlart Montpellier/Ubisoft
Original trailer from E3 2012:
… and a high resolution original art piece:
Debut game winner: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Michel Gagne, Joe Olson
Original trailer from 2012:
Game innovation winner: LittleBigPlanet 2
Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
Announcement trailer:
Original music winner: L.A. Noire
Andrew Hale, Simon Hale
Team Bondi/Rockstar Games
Enjoy the entire album here:
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